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Operation Diabetes seeks to help pharmacists and student pharmacists identify individuals in the community with previously undiagnosed diabetes and those who are at risk for developing the disease. In addition the program seeks to increase overall awareness of diabetes and the role pharmacists play in prevention and managing the effects of diabetes. Conducting blood glucose screenings and educating the public on the risk factors for diabetes, the importance of medication compliance, and tight control on blood glucose student pharmacists can help individuals across the nation improve their quality of life. 
As student pharmacists and future health care providers, you demonstrate how the profession of pharmacy serves as an excellent resource in preventing the morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes. You have the opportunity to take your knowledge outside of the classroom and make a difference for the community. It could be as simple as writing a letter to the editor of a local paper highlighting the impact of diabetes education by pharmacists. It could be as large as conducting blood glucose screenings and foot exams at a major health fair. It all starts with one idea, one chapter, and one community.

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